Unlocking Dreams and Adventures: Explore with Me!

In my younger days I designed corporate identities for companies before working as an events manager for a photography company. I have been fortunate enough to have travelled whilst at University and prior to my children arriving. These trips inspired me to write Molly’s Adventures Down Under’ and ‘Molly’s Adventures in Fiji’. Both books are still in the process of being completed but act as a constant reminder that the world is an amazing place and ripe for exploration!

I am a very lucky mum to two lovely boys who have kept me busy for the past 8 years. This made me explore an office job which could work around school and my new social life as a football, gymnastics and swimming mum. Being made redundant last year gave me the nudge I needed to get back to doing what is important to me and what I love.

I have never been happier! I get more time with my boys and they get to see me doing my dream job. What more can you hope to teach your children than seeing that dreams really can come true.

Join me in this adventure of reinvention, exploration, and embracing dreams. Let’s craft stories that linger in the heart, inspire the mind, and whisper to us that the world is a canvas awaiting our touch.